Sunday, August 21, 2011

An Update

A friend and old roommate sent me a message asking for the link to my research blog.  As we spent a year living together she knows how passionate I am about genealogy.  As well as in my spare time performing research for other outside my family to supplement my income.  I had never thought there would be much interest in my research outside of my family.  And even with them it is hit or miss.

After sending her the link I decided to check out my blog.  I was shocked to see that the last post was from December 2010!  I have ideas written down for blogs.  The pictures and documents to bring the story to life.  I just haven't allowed myself the time to do it.  Researching for others has put my own research on the sidelines.  And apparently my blogging efforts as well.  I hope to get back to writing about my family soon.  For those in my family and those who just may stumble across this blog.